Cars and Transition: power supply and energy mix

Scopo di questo spazio è contribuire all’armamentario culturale che andrà a comporre la tua visione delle cose.
Senza adottare opinioni a priori, ma netto nella posizione.

Here we are going to see the latest EU’s decisions about renewables and transports! Let’s have a glance to e-fuels, their industrial perspectiveselectric carspower supplies costs and potential critical issues.

This saves the oil and diesel car industry, opening at the same time a new, and previously unknown player: synthetic fuels (also known as e-fuels).

The latest news by Bruxelles tells us that the cars and vans endothermic engines sale ban to 2035 has been amended including e-fuels among the climate-neutral fuels.

Sources: Fit for 55 emissions updates 28th March 2023: | Accordo UE Rinnovabili 42,5%: | Nach Verbrenner-Kompromiss: Lindner plant Kfz-Steuerreform: | Germany and EU agree exception in planned Ban on Combustion Engines: | Wissing macht vor EU-Abstimmung Druck: | Fit for the future, not Fit-for-55: | Auto elettrica, Usa e Ue trattano sui sussidi: verso accordo sulle batterie: | USA-UE, summit Biden-Von der Leyen a Washington: | Mercedes und Volkswagen: Können Verbrenner-Aus bis 2035 umsetzen: | Electric cars still cheaper: | Rainews – Lo stop motori termici: | 45% renewables target ‘is ambitious but feasible’, says EU climate chief: | Fit for 55%: | Klima-Ökonomin Kemfert nennt E-Fuels eine Scheinlösung: | Europe’s cheapest countries to charge an electric car: | Coreper: | China solar power capacity could post record growth in 2023: | The EU built only 16 GW new wind in 2022: | Global Low-Carbon Energy Technology Investment Surges Past $1 Trillion for the First Time: | Global clean energy investing tops US$1 trillion for first time ever: | Così Pechino punta alla leadership sul clima: | Auto inquinanti, stop alla vendita dal 2035: ok definitivo del Parlamento europeo: | Auto: Stati Ue rinviano adozione norme su stop benzina e diesel dal 2035. Meloni soddisfatta: | E-Fuels statt E-Autos: Alternative, Ergänzung oder Irrweg?: | Gli eFuel esistono davvero? E possono salvare l’auto a benzina? | Meinung: Enddatum 2035 für Verbrennungsmotor ist zu spät: | 5 things to know about EU’s Fit for 55 climate package:

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